welcome to the year of freedom
I want to know what you are deliberately doing to ensure that you are consistently growing as an actor in 2019...What are you doing to ensure that this will be the year of freedom? This year at the studio we will be focused on exactly that. Freedom. I am committed to seeing that each and every one of my students finds freedom this year. Freedom from judgment, freedom from the fear of failure, free from limitations, free from toxicity and true freedom from whatever may be holding you back!!!
So if you are looking for a class that will truly free you up to express the deepest truth of yourself and get out of your own way so that you can discover what you are truly capable of or if you are ready to return to class, I have an offer for you.
The FESTIVE SPECIAL is back!!! When you sign up for one 4 week session, you'll get a second session absolutely FREE!! This is the only only time of year you will get this deal so if you need to shake things up and get out of your comfort zone, do this now. Make yourself this promise that each day will be about growth because as my father always says, you're either busy being born, or you're busy dying. You can start these sessions at any time in 2019 but you must register by January 1st at midnight.
Happy holidays and all the best for another exciting year in your life. I am so looking forward to seeing you in class and discovering just how much we can accomplish together this year!!!