So I actively find ways to use the phrase #seriousseptember throughout my day to keep that thought fresh in my mind.
We become what we think about most. You want to change your life, change your thoughts. You want to accomplish something- anything, keep that goal present in your thoughts. You want to have something, align your thoughts with whatever it is. Yes, its the law of attraction and we know it well. Everything you feel and have is a direct product of your thoughts.
The bad news is that if your thoughts are negative, that is what you will attract. Even the most positive of people are guilty of negative thought patterns. Many times they come in the form of excuses. Excuses masquerade as positive responses because they justify why things are the way they are. Letting yourself off the hook may make you feel better in the moment but it is detrimental to your success in the long run. So here are the 6 excuses I hear most. Things you should never get comfortable repeating if you want success:
1. I don't have the money
This is an overused excuse that makes people poor. The more you say it, the more true it becomes. The more you get comfortable with being poor, the easier it becomes to avoid working hard. You will find yourself surrounded by other people who are satisfied with having no money. Instead figure out what you would like to spend your money on and focus on building that life rather than repeating over and over how broke you are.
Most people love thinking that we only use 10 percent of our brains because it opens up the possibility that we have so much undiscovered brain power
potential. That has been proved as a myth but what is true is that we only productively use a fraction of the time we have. There are so many ways throughout our day that we can become more efficient and make time for the things we need to do. You have the time, its just a matter of managing it, doing things when you are tired or don't feel like it and prioritizing. Saying "I don't have time" just lets you off the hook.
3.Its so hard
Yes. It is. Life is hard. Success is hard. Acting is hard. Can we move on now? I was listening to a gospel station in Florida and I he said "Dont tell G-d how big your problem is, tell your problem how big your G-d is." I love that. You can do it. If it was easy, everyone would do it. Pull up your bootstraps and work harder. Go to class if you need confidence. Create your own vehicle when you can't get in the door. Do what you need to do- just stop walking around talking about how hard it is or it will never get any easier.
4. That person would never talk to me
Not with an attitude like that he won't. In order to be successful you must surround yourself with people who are more successful than you, who are smarter than you, who are cooler than you. You never know who is willing to talk to you. You have no idea who you can have the opportunity to connect with. The point is you must take a risk and talk to people who might never give you the time of day without worrying about the outcome. Go into every conversation assuming they WILL want to talk to you and I guarantee you will get a better response than if you stay at home, sure that they won't.
5. Im "trying"
You do NOT get paid for trying. Get over it. Get it done. You are either doing or not doing. There is no try. Yoda said it best. Stop thinking you deserve a cookie for a good try.
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