If by chance you are thinking, nah, I know most things by now, think back to 10 years ago and remember what an idiot you were. Do it. Now. How little you knew! Now think ahead to 10 years from now. My hope for you is that in 10 years you look back on this day and say, "woah, I was such an idiot back then, how little I knew!"
The only constant thing in this world is change. The only thing we know for sure is that tomorrow, we will be older, the clouds will move across the sky, the ocean will change the shoreline. We have no idea what will come for sure tomorrow, we just know that it will be different from today. So what you already know will only help you to a certain extent. You must continue to grow and learn and challenge yourself. Congratulations on that corporate job you got right out of university- but what skills have you developed since then? You were great at volleyball in high school- have you played sports since then? You learned how to act, took a reputable theater program, but have you studied new techniques lately? Constant learning is what will keep you young.
That is the beauty and wonder of life.
Every single day, we get to experience a rebirth. We can be children every single day as long as we stop and remind ourselves that we don't know shit. So its okay to feel uncomfortable when learning something new- in fact it is desirable to feel uncomfortable- that is how you know you are growing. Its okay to take the risk and look bad because the truth is that pretending to already know enough makes you look worse. The minute you stop growing is the minute you start dying.
Beginner Meisner Technique class starting next Monday. Is it time to learn a new technique that will really challenge everything you thought you knew? Actors and non actors are welcome.
For more info on classes contact Robyn Kay 416.312.9188 or [email protected]
Come in for an audit, a chat or a Sunday drop in CLASSES