To be a great actor you must crave feeling "uncomfortable". That is how you will know you are growing.
You have goals, you have dreams that you have yet to achieve. What is stopping you from getting there? Now is the time. If you have ever said "I just need to save more money" "Im just not ready for the commitment yet" "That class feels too scary for me now" I am talking to you. If you wait until you are ready, you will never accomplish a thing! Your time is now. Waking up in the morning and taking a small action to get you closer to your goal must happen today. Your success will not be a big bang when you are finally ready, your success is the culmination of each small action you take from now until the end of your life. Your success is the failure and loss you will live through on your journey. Your success is the little celebrations and who you help out on a daily basis. You have been working towards something since the day you were born only you didn't know it. You started many years ago. If your actions, however, are not in line with your goals, then you have been working against yourself. Your time is now. If you wake up this morning, then my friend, you are ready.
Meisner classes run continuously at the Robyn Kay Studio. For more info or to come in for an audit call 416-312-9188 or email [email protected]