That's it. Trying to get out of your head, will make your head spin. Like a demon.
And you don't get paid for trying. So you get out of your head by actively focusing on something outside of yourself. Thats it. Simple. Not easy, but simple. That is why we study Meisner. The fundamental objective of the Meisner technique is to focus on your partner and actively listen to them. To be on the tips of your toes, hungry, hungry, hungry for what they have to give. And trust me when I say that what they have is magical. It is impossible to stay in your head when you are 100% focused on another person. The skill of laser focus outside of yourself doesn't just happen. It needs to be practiced. You need a coach who cares more about your success than being liked. The Meisner Technique will teach you to listen and work moment to moment expressing truthful behavior, bringing a richness to your work that you always knew you were capable of.
It's amazing what happens to your instincts when you actively listen to people. You will astound yourself. Classes run continuously at the Studio.
416.312.9188 [email protected]